You Can Take Advantage Of This Little Known Secret To Instantly Add To Your Ability To Catch and Release Big Trout!!
You Can Take Advantage Of This Little Known Secret To Instantly Add To Your Ability To Catch and Release Big Trout, Pick Out Smooth Slicks Holding Large Trout In Fast Water…Fight And Play Tail Dancing, Somersaulting Rainbows - Dashing To Fast Water To Shed Your # 18 Fly And Be Among Just Ten Women That Get To Take Advantage Of This Extraordinary Opportunity
Guaranteed to Create Memories that last a life-time!
But You Have To Act By January 1, 2009!!! (After that all the special offers are going to change!)
Hello Fly Fisher
My name is Kathy Weigl, owner of Cold Spring Anglers along with my husband Herb. I have three problems to solve. You can help me solve the first one, if you forgive me for not addressing you by your first name. See, I prefer to do that, but since you and I haven’t gotten to know each other yet, I’m at a loss.
When Herb and I ran our fly shop in Carlisle, PA., we did our best to know our customer’s names and what they liked to fly fish for…so we could match their skills, experience, and passion for fly-fishing to what was happening in our local streams.
Now, I have an additional challenge. Last year I was sitting out at Montana Spirit Guest Lodge run by David and Diana Magistrelli….(While you don’t know them yet, David and Diana began their lodge because of their passion not only for fly fishing but saw also a need to create a special place for people to reconnect with nature.)
Back to my story…
October 2007…it was the 5th…we were sitting in front of a warming fire with 16 inches of snow falling on Montana Spirit Guest Lodge. One of our customers, George, decided to suit up to go fishing. So he jumped into his waders, pulled his fly vest over his jackets, and with rod in hand, walked the few short steps to the Madison River to see if he could raise any of the 18-22 inch rainbows and browns that were hugging the bank.
The short story…George hooked, landed, and released 6 fish in a little over two hours while surrounded with the spectacular scenery of the Slide Section of the Madison River.
Now, my second problem started when David challenged me to offer a week just for women fly fishers. We are into our third year of working with David so that we could offer a special package to our customers and we have loved it…We have gotten closer to our customers….even developed some new life-long friendships because of it.
But, David’s challenge for me is to reach out to offer to you …who enjoy and have a passion for fly fishing… to fish this special, semi-exclusive section of the Madison River.
Now, I would like to make that offer to you. I want to invite you for a seven day, six-night stay at the only Guest Lodge that is located on the Madison River and with excellent accommodations. (Go to www.monstpirit.com for more details about the lodge.)
Past guests have stated….This is the perfect setting….excellent lodge, beautiful surroundings, just a great location….when I moved to West Virginia they told me it was almost heaven – my stay at Montana Spirit was!
The little known secret is that David has been able to arrange a series of special pricing that he is not allowed to share…for just ten fly fishers the week of July 26 through August 1, 2009. (You could be one of them.) He has been able to put together a package that if you were to do yourself would run anywhere from $4,911 to over $6,900.00
For your full week stay at Montana Spirit Guest Lodge…just for this week only and just for ten women who act now… you get:
¨ All meals, snacks…fresh fruit and healthy meals ( $525.00 value)
¨ Lodging with comfortable beds (double occupancy with 2 rooms per bath) ($1,400 value)
¨ Guide service each day from Kathy, Herb, or David ($2,700 value)
¨ A float trip…with special arrangements I’ll share in a bit ($ 450 - $525)
¨ A massage - ending with Hot Stones (valued at over $ 150.00)
¨ Guide Service to Yellowstone National Park (guided service over $250 per day)
¨ Guide Service on the Gallatin River and others in the local area (valued at $250.00)
If you added this all up and purchased it on your own, you would pay $5,500 dollars . Now I did some checking on one of David’s competitors just to see if he was giving me a good offer to pass on to you… and found that they are charging in excess of $6,900 for what he has pulled together for you.
So I know you are getting a Special Price …When he tells me he can do this for the low price of only $1,997.00 per person. (But, I don’t believe it will last long once the secret is out.) I can see a lot of your fly fisher friends jumping at the chance to take advantage of this special opportunity.
There isn’t another deal that I know of out there that can beat this.
And, David guarantees that you will have a memorable experience
You have been there…your heart is pounding - your muscles tense up and you begin to wonder if you are going to bring the fish to the net...that suddenly came out from nowhere… brings life to your line. You are into heart stopping action…where the world drops away and all of your senses are on that tail-dancing, somersaulting rainbow trout dashing for fast water…wanting to throw your fly. You can even hear the singing of your reel as the line pulls against the drag.
Once you hook into the rainbow or brown trout on the Slide Section of the Madison River…world renowned for having the biggest resident trout, you will never have another experience quite like it… Your fingers will grasp the rod such that you just can’t let go until you have netted and released your trout. Then you’ll take a deep breath and say …”I want to do that again!”
Whether you are using nymphs, dry or hoppers to catch your trout, you will have easy access to the Madison River through this private property.
Imagine sitting out on the deck of a lodge with enough daylight to match the evening hatch and not being able to get down to the river in time. The distance is too far, too complicated because you have to get in your car, and slip into your waders even before you find your spot. Well that won’t happen at Montana Spirit Guest Lodge…the schedule accommodates your fishing desires. You can enjoy a leisurely supper, relax on the deck with your new friends and decide that yes, you want to tackle the hatch you see. You just go get your fly rod and flies…in less then ten minutes you have walked down to that perfect spot and cast your fly to the waiting trout….waders not required.
Let me bring you back to the moment… My third problem is to get you to sign up to take advantage of this Limited Time - Special Offer. I believe it to be so outstanding that it won’t last long once the secret is out.
Time is limited because David has people requesting time for the summer of 2009 already. David has to get back to the local businesses as they too plan for next summer. They too want to seclude their openings before the rush of the season is upon them. If David can get your commitment now, then he can tie up these spots just for you at this special price. So your quick response saves your place for both the float trip and your massage.
Remember there are only 10 spots available for this week.
But, I’ve talked David into even giving you a better offer if you act now and grab your space and bring a friend. If you sign up with a friend, you each will receive another $100 off the already low price of $ 1,997.
Plus,if you act by January 1, 2009 Herb will supply you with 10 of the hottest fish catching flies that are reliable patterns for the Madison, Gallatin Rivers and for Yellowstone National Park. This is a value of $ 20.00 for signing up before January 1,2009
So here’s the deal…For a thrilling, relaxing, enjoyable, and comfortable stay while you fly fish the World Famous Blue Ribbon Madison River for 7 days and 6 nights for the low affordable price of only $ 1,997 (sign up with a friend and you each receive an additional discount of $100.00) you stay with me at Montana Spirit Guest Lodge.
You receive *** full day guide service, *** a massage with Hot Stones, *** a float trip, *** meals, lodging, and *** the companionship and fellowship of other women in a relaxing setting with spectacular views…sharing the same passion for fly fishing and the love nature.
How could you beat that?
One thing I could guarantee for you, if you haven’t ever fished the Madison River, is that your skills will skyrocket to the next level after a week on the Madison and other rivers in this part of Montana and Yellowstone National Park…
Now is the time to act …fax in the Reservation form to claim your spot…along with a friend for this thrilling opportunity with uncompromising beauty. Or…call David at 877-536-2447 and tell him that you want to join this Special Fly Fisher Gals Getaway Week July 26 to Aug 1, 2009.
I sure would love to get to know you, so sign up and my next letter will say Hello with your first name.
Tight Lines
Kathy Weigl…
PS. I almost forgot. The float trip that David arranged is a special one that puts you on the river when most of the other drift boaters are off. He has made special arrangements with the outfitter, Blue Ribbon Flies (www.brf.com) and with Craig Mathews to float you in the afternoon and early evening. This is GREAT…since there will be less fishing pressure, the grasshoppers will be out, and you most likely will catch a late afternoon or evening hatch while still on the river. (This past summer our float trip netted 13 fish. A combination of rainbow and brown)
Another unbeatable fly fishing experience David has pulled together for you.
PSS. I twisted David’s arm once more. When you register, you can either pay for the total package at one time, or spread your payments out over three payments just as long as full payment is received by May 1, 2009
Check the application form for more details. Remember, if you sign up with a friend, you each receive an additional $100 off the price of $ 1,997.00.
$ 1,897.00 with a Friend!!
PSSS. Double occupancy – see lots of pictures at this web site…including rooms, facilities, fish! Any questions call Toll Free 1-877-536-2447